“Mark and I found the birth prep session really helpful. I think Mark particularly enjoyed learning some techniques so he could feel more useful during labour, but also benefited from seeing what we have been learning in pregnancy yoga (I admit, I’m rubbish at practising at home)! It was good that you demonstrated everything with your partner – I think it gave the men more confidence to get involved. The opportunity to ask questions and chat as a group was also really useful and we got a lot of from hearing about other people’s experiences.
We were really glad we came and would definitely recommend it to others.
Hope this helps!
Deborah x”
“I enjoyed spending quality time with my baby in each of Saffron’s classes.”
“The hypnobirthing undertone to the pregnancy yoga classes and the birth preparation classes were amazing and an added bonus that I didn’t realise would be getting when I signed up to pregnancy yoga. The relaxation music was equally beneficial and helped me to slip straight in to that calm and relaxed state of yoga classes during labour. The relaxed and supportive atmosphere that Saffron creates made it easy to chat to other women at the class – I am still in touch with a couple now and my baby is 14 months! Thanks again.”
“I benefited from the relaxation, after every class I feel instantly relaxed and always sleep well which is much appreciated.”
“Hi. I feel a lot more in control of my breathing when I feel stressed and I am able to ‘return to my breath’ when I need too. I appreciate having the time to focus on my pregnancy and baby and I know that without pregnancy yoga I wouldn’t have dedicated as much time to this.
I’m now more aware of exercises to ease any tightness I may be feeling. For example, I regularly do the tabletop and flowing cat to ease tension in my back. I know how to adapt exercises to protect my pelvis and have been able to apply these to everyday movements too in order to prevent any over-stretching. I’ve also found the relaxations really helpful and I always sleep better afterwards – I actually find your relaxations a lot more effective than the ones in the online Hypnobirthing classes I’ve been doing!Thank you so much for continuing your classes remotely during lockdown. It’s made a huge difference for me to have that focus and have the opportunity to check in with other pregnant ladies. It’s nice to know there’s a community here still and that you’re not alone.
Kind regards,
Hannah x”
“Thank you for teaching me how to do pregnancy yoga safely.
“I want to thank you as well for all your support through pregnancy as well as baby yoga. I was very anxious at the beginning of my pregnancy and your classes, with the relaxed atmosphere and open discussion, as well as the yoga and relaxation techniques themselves, really helped. If I am lucky enough to become pregnant again at any point, I will definitely aim to come back!
Thank you also for continuing classes during lockdown. Particularly in the early weeks, it was really nice to have the contact and hear how other mums were coping during such a strange time. It made me feel a bit less isolated and part of a little community.
Best wishes,
Lizzie and Felicity”
“Hi Saffron, I definitely feel like I am more prepared for birth now and more confident that I will be able to move around and use breathing techniques. Also learning about birthing positions has been great as that is something you don’t learn in any other antenatal classes.
Chatting to the other girls beforehand and hearing other people’s experience is also really helpful and has definitely given me a positive attitude towards birth.
I feel great after doing the yoga sessions – very relaxed and relieves any tension I have from the week. Monday night is always the best nights sleep.
Yoga has definitely helped with relaxation.
From doing yoga pre-pregnancy, the pregnancy yoga has definitely made me change my mindset towards yoga rather than pushing the stretches and positions, I have definitely been focusing on what feels good and relaxation. Thanks. Megan”
“A pregnancy yoga student: “For me, the pregnancy yoga classes were brilliant – in the run up to birth helping me to relax, stretch out and generally feel better. During labour, I was definitely less anxious for it, and as I was induced and the contractions came fast and furious, I used the visualisation techniques to get me through each one. I never realised how important these would become. Exercises aside, it has also been lovely to meet others before the birth of our babies – and then continue with baby yoga classes now all our beautiful babies have been born.”
“Hi Saffron it’s Tessa Oldham. Just to let you know I had my beautiful baby boy on Friday 28th August. He arrived at 7.25pm after just under 24 hours of labour and weighed 7lbs 15. I was booked in for an early induction on Friday morning due to low foetal movement which must have scared baby as my waters went on Thursday at 8pm. Went to hospital and was monitored till 3am. Had contractions every 5-10 minutes but they didn’t get any closer although I was dilating. I came home to see if a more natural environment would speed things along and spent the whole night with exactly the same. I went back in at 9 for induction but had dilated to 7cm so they let me continue naturally. Again I continued with very intense and long contractions that were on average 8 minutes apart (no pain relief). It was over these hours that the yoga really came in to play. I never sat down because the poses and moving and exercising made the contractions bearable and the experience calm. I did the tree in resting time and found squatting down into contractions really helpful. At some point I went into the delivery room and was 10cm but was put on a drip to help speed up the contractions ready for pushing. I took gas and air for the last hour and pushed for 20 minutes. I was on the bed at this point but was very tired and had stood up for 23 hours! The yoga really helped me through the pain and I felt brave, strong and in control. My advice? Breathe! Love my little Harry more than the world.
Thank you Saffron and good luck ladies!”
“I started yoga classes 11 weeks pregnant and found that saffron helped me start my pregnancy in a really positive direction. I learnt how to relax, look after my posture, help relieve back and rib pain – and got lots of extra really great advice from a real life mum! I used lots of the techniques in labour and felt empowered being able to try a variety of positions to help myself get through. I met lots of other lovely mums to be and really feel that the courses helped me become a relaxed and confident mummy to my little boy (totally the opposite to what I expected to be like!)- and we now both love attending baby yoga together!”
“I’m suffering with restless legs which is really annoying when I’m trying to get to sleep but last night was the first night in ages I haven’t had it so the yoga/stretching must have helped ???? xxx Danielle Bennett”
“Thanks for such an enjoyable year of yoga, from the pregnancy, to the new born and on to crawling. Freddie and I have really enjoyed bonding and moving in our favourite class.
Take care, hope to see you soon or with baby number 2!
Rachael Palmer”