Homeopathy Individualised, natural healthcare for everyone 
Pregnancy, childbirth and babies
I work closely with health professions and holistic therapists to create a support network for pregnant and postnatal women. At this time of your life, you might want to use safe holistic treatments for problems you may experience. My friend Anna has written this information for you, to explain how homoeopathic remedies can help support you. I have used these remedies all my life for a ray of different problems for me and my children.
These are some of the complaints that people seek help from homeopaths for during pregnancy, childbirth, postnatally and for babies.
Homeopathy can also be used for health problems that are unrelated to pregnancy, such as hayfever or allergies. It can be particularly useful if regular medication has to be stopped during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
During pregnancy: morning sickness, heartburn, backache, constipation, piles.
During childbirth: a cervix that is slow to dilate, exhaustion, panic, despair, unbearable pain, a fearful partner, a baby in breech position, an ‘overdue’ baby, irregular or weak contractions, a labour that is slow to progress, a retained placenta, excessive bleeding, nausea, vomiting.
After the birth: bruising & soreness after the birth, recovery from tearing, episiotomy, forceps, C-section or epidural, shock at the intensity of the birth experience, mental exhaustion, insomnia, anger, weepiness.
Breastfeeding: mastitis, cracked or painful nipples, a slow milk supply.
Babies & children: colic, teething, nappy rash, skin problems, bumps & bruises, coughs, colds, fevers, tonsillitis, ear infections, chest infections.
There are kits available which contain the most commonly used remedies for pregnancy, childbirth and postnatally or around the home for acute ailments, first-aid situations and minor complaints.
Remember: if your symptoms are chronic or severe, you should contact your doctor, midwife, health visitor or registered homeopath.
Anna Hughes
Registered Homeopath, MARH
07985 130443